Saturday, August 23, 2014

Bugs and Patches for Papers

In an earlier article, Writing Like Compiling, I have made some connections between programs and papers. This article makes a connection from a different perspective.

For publications in Computer Science (and possibly other domains), there is a problem. A paper could contain bugs: errors, unclear sentences, missing backgrounds, etc. These bugs might caused by the knowledge gap between the authors and the readers. Or they simply arise due to the conference-driven publication paradigm. Such paradigm puts researchers on a fast race and leave them less time to ponder and polish their work [2]. These bugs inflict readers minds and eats up their time. Some smart readers might find ways to fix those bugs, just like an advanced user finds a bug in a program and makes a patch for it. However, since there is not good way to share the fix, and a paper is usually fixed after the camera-ready version, this paper patches only stay in a paper copy as some red marks...

Programs, too, are not perfect after release. However, software developers and users will constantly discover new bugs and apply corresponding patches. And this model generally works well. After all, there seems to be no alternative way. Therefore, I think we need to treat papers as programs, and creates ways for reporting bugs and sharing patches. A first step is to store these paper bugs and patches in some database and enable readers to search for them. However, we want to avoid the detachment between the papers and the patches, so we could allow some energetic readers to fork a paper and make version 2.0 of that paper. This fork ability is very common in the opensource software community [3].

In general, isn't it a bit ironic that Computer Science, the field that aims to digitalize paper-based information, still record its cutting-edge findings in papers?


[1] The picture.

[2] Fortnow, Lance. "Viewpoint Time for computer science to grow up." Communications of the ACM 52.8 (2009): 33-35.

[3] Raymond, Eric. "The cathedral and the bazaar." Knowledge, Technology & Policy 12.3 (1999): 23-49.

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